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Today is Astrid's birthday

Today is Astrid's birthday

Today is a day that you can't turn a page without remembering...

Our whole childhood counts down to innocent good days filled with Astrid Lindgren's characters.

It takes a genius to write books loved by generations... It takes a genius to make biscuits smell amazing even on the pages of a book, it takes a genius to make the most mischievous and versatile characters in the world beloved not only by children but also by their parents. It takes a great deal of genius to make the unusualness and difference acceptable to all and to make children first and foremost kind rather than possessive with good principles...

I don't think there's a kid anywhere who wouldn't want to be friends with  Karlsson-on-the-roof or Pippilotta Rollgardinia Victualia Peppermint Longstocking (Pippy), I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't dream of frolicking with Emil in katthult or crying heartily on Seacrow Island with Tjorven , that they were going to kill Bosun.

I'll say more, I don't want a better life than the Bullerby kids had in Bullerby. And the dream of childhood is Kalle Blomkvist attic  with a ping-pong table....
And how about sitting on the roof, legs overhung, sipping coffee and snacking on hot pastries...

what better place to be when you're not in the mood...💛